Thursday 10 September 2015


       This TV commercial was aired year 2004, the story of bingo commercial has a humorous appeal because of the guy who losses his chance to met a beautiful girl. This commercial is about the guy who was about to have an eyeball with his chat mate; the girl said she will be wearing pink and the guy said that he will bring bingo biscuit. When the day come the guy saw a chubby girl that's why he gave his bingo to the other guy who is in the same place as his, little did he know that the real girl was behind; the girl go near the guy who holds the bingo biscuit. The real chat mate of the girl regret that he gave his bingo to the guy who is sitting with him.

      The commercial catch the attention of the viewers because of the story; humor is one of the things that a story must have to make it remarkable in a persons mind. Having humor in the TV commercial will make it the talk of town because people will share it to others and will ask if they have already watched the funny commercial. 

Duration: 30s
Product: Bingo
Published: 2004

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