Saturday 19 September 2015

"Bossing sa Kaputian kahit sa Tag-ulan"

This commercial was aired year 2014.The TVC used a testimonial advertising technique because Vic Sotto was in the commercial saying that Tide is better than other brands in terms of whitening the stain clothes. It also used comparative because they compare the effects of Tide versus the other brand of whitening detergent.

In my own opinion the commercial is effective during rainy season especially in the Philippines because people would really try if the detergent is true and if it would really ease the hardship of doing the laundry during the rainy season. 

Duration: 30s
Product: Tide
Published: 2014

Thursday 10 September 2015


       This TV commercial was aired year 2004, the story of bingo commercial has a humorous appeal because of the guy who losses his chance to met a beautiful girl. This commercial is about the guy who was about to have an eyeball with his chat mate; the girl said she will be wearing pink and the guy said that he will bring bingo biscuit. When the day come the guy saw a chubby girl that's why he gave his bingo to the other guy who is in the same place as his, little did he know that the real girl was behind; the girl go near the guy who holds the bingo biscuit. The real chat mate of the girl regret that he gave his bingo to the guy who is sitting with him.

      The commercial catch the attention of the viewers because of the story; humor is one of the things that a story must have to make it remarkable in a persons mind. Having humor in the TV commercial will make it the talk of town because people will share it to others and will ask if they have already watched the funny commercial. 

Duration: 30s
Product: Bingo
Published: 2004

Friday 4 September 2015

"Your toothpaste at Your Price"

     In todays generation it is hard to compete with the leading toothpaste brand but this toothpaste "Unique" has shown a different way to promote its product. This commercial was aired in year 2012, its target audience are family who wants the same effect but in affordable price; Your toothpaste at Your Price is the tagline that was used in this commercial, meaning that you can have a effective toothpaste with a reasonable price. The advertising technique that was used is the expert opinion because in the commercial the dentist was there explaining that the toothpaste is like the leading brand but in affordable price.

      The commercial has also shown a comparison between the toothpaste and the leading toothpaste, the two women was asked to brush teeth with the unknown toothpaste brand and the thought that the toothpaste that was given to them was the leading toothpaste. The Unique toothpaste has the same taste and effect that is why they were shock when they found out that it is Unique toothpaste because they thought that it is the leading brand. This commercial can impact many family that wants to save money because Unique is a toothpaste that will protect and freshen your teeth everyday without spending to much money. Unique is a affordable yet effective toothpaste. Consumer nowadays always want to have affordable prices in every product that they will buy that is why I find this commercial effective to entice family that budgets their income. 

Duration: 30 sec.
Product: Unique Toothpaste
Published: September 5, 2012

Friday 28 August 2015

"Instant white"

          This commercial was aired in the year 2013, this is a whitening product their main target market are women who wants to have lighter skin. The advertising technique that has been used in the commercial is bandwagon because in the TVC it shown a women used the lotion and then it instantly whitens the skin. When the other female saw the effect of the lotion all  of them use the product as their whitening lotion. The tagline of the commercial is "try it to believe it" i find it catchy and interesting because the target audience will be curious about the product and they will try it. The ad shows that when you use the SkinWhite you will be white as cotton and you will experience the white skin you want to achieve. I am attracted to the commercial because it simply use a direct message towards its product. They simply show what will you get when you use their product.

             The quality of the advertisement was good because it showcase the features and advantages of purchasing the product. The story line was simple but it really attracts its target market. When you are a girl especially in teenage years you will attracted in the commercial because you want a whiter skin and you want to make the best out of you. Nowadays girls wants to be beautiful and for them being beautiful is having a white and fair skin. 

Duration: 35 mins
Product: SkinWhite Lotion
Published: December 08, 2013

Friday 21 August 2015

"Love your eyes more!"

       EO eyewear has this catchy tagline "Express yourself more. Love your eyes more!" that was written in this print ad. This ad has shown a repition of its tagline so the customers won't forget it easily. It has glittering generalization because of the catchy phrase that will be easily remembered by the customers. The quality of this advertisement that make it good is it attracts attention and arouses interest of the consumer. This advertisement make the people believe that having an eyewear from EO will still make you in style while taking good care of your eyes. People are very conscious about their looks so EO has made the right choice to make their product attractive to the consumer, they want to express to the people that you can have an eyewear that will be in style. 

    This advertisement has shown a simple yet creative way to convey a message to the customers that they have an eyewear that is right for you in any occasion. Many people don't like wearing eyewear that has graded lens because they think they might not look good but EO has created a eyewears that will suit for everyone. The tagline "Love your eyes more!" is appealing to those who have poor eyesight because they will be more encourage to buy eyewear that has a fashion sense while having a clearer eyesight. 

Thursday 13 August 2015

"The Coke Beat"

This coke commercial became popular in the year 2003, the coke beat had people crazy doing the actions with the hands and singing the jingle over and over again. The commercial has shown two girls doing a beat with their hands and singing the jingle, they are competing over who will drink the coke and the one who forget or make a mistake with the beat loses the game. In this commercial it has shown how you will go tough competition with your friend just to get your favorite drink which is the coke.

Coca-cola have always created a remarkable TV ads, people are talking about it, singing, and even doing the actions. This commercial has challenged many Filipino to do the coke beat, almost everyone is doing it. I remember back in my elementary days we were doing this coke beat with my friends, competing who will do the beat right and who will lose. Back to those days I am always waiting for that commercial so I could do the beat right. It is fun to go back to those days because the coke beat had us excited on buying coke and doing those actions. Up until now many Filipinos still remember this coke beat jingle and some still remember the action of the beat! Coke commercial have always created a creative commercials that makes the people remember and even imitate what's in their commercial. This is one of the most creative and innovative advertisers doing commercial I have seen because every time they releases new commercial it became the talk of the people. Creating a fun TV ads like this will surely catch the attention of the Filipino citizen. 

Friday 7 August 2015

"First Love"

This commercial was shown in the television in the year 2009 it used a popular song "Ang Huling El Bimbo" by the famous singer Ely Buendia. It is became popular during those days because of the song and the content of the commercial. The story is about two kids met because of their parents were friends. The boy had a crush with the pretty little girl and has adapt the way she eats her Mcdo fries.

The commercial has shown that since they were little they always eat at Mcdonald's; this also contain a love story that doesn't have a romantic ending but they remain as friend, that's why it captures the eye of the viewer. Filipinos always love a romantic movies that's why it became catchy. The commercial has sent a message that since we were a kid Mcdonald's has been there and up until now. As we grow Mcdonald's will be always there no matter what happen, like in the commercial even though it did not end in romantic way, they remained friend eating the same thing in the same place.

Thursday 30 July 2015

"Inakup Arekup"

This TV commercial is titled "Inakup Arekup" this commercial was aired in the year 2014. This commercial is about family planning, what will be the outcome if you are not doing the family planning. The story is about a young girl from a large family, she is narrating her story. The little girl is crying and asking why her parents didn't plan, even though she want's to study she has no choice because she has many siblings and they don't have enough money.

This kind of commercials are needed in our country because we all need to have knowledge about family planning, what will be the effects of it, and how will we do it. It is a very catchy commercial because it is in a form of song and the lyrics really makes people realize about family planning. Although this is a good commercial there are some intrigues coming from others who don't agree on family planning. Based from others they don't agree from family planning because children are graces from above so why would they blame the children for the mismanagement of the government. Others don't really understand that the government can't solve all the problems, everything always start in ourselves. This commercial will make people realize that family planning is really needed in the society because if you would have many children and you don't have the capability of giving them food, clothes, shelter, and education then you should do family planning.